Working with Agero: Five Critical Topics For Your Business

We want to help empower your work with us. From NPS feedback to conversations at the tow shows, from submissions to the Provider Advocate Group and discussions with Performance Managers, there are five key topics you've told us to want to know more about. Here, for the benefit of our full network, we share and address them all in one spot: volume, performance, damages, support and compliance.

1. Getting More Volume for Your Business

We deliver volume to you based on three key factors you have full control over: 


The key is in regularly reviewing your performance data in Swoop to understand where you are excelling and where you have opportunities for improvement in these areas.

Not sure where to find the dashboard? Navigate to “Reporting” in the main menu of the Swoop Desktop version, then select “Service Provider Performance” from the drop down on the left side of the screen.

reporting dashboardYou can filter the information and also download it to your computer. Use these details to then engage with your drivers and dispatchers to improve their performance on Agero jobs. With improved performance, you have the potential to improve your volume. 

We also know you want to understand your place in your market better, and we’re making that possible. Soon, you’ll have more insight into how you compare with competitors in your area to make informed decisions that can help you potentially gain more volume.

2. Harnessing Your Performance Metrics

Our performance metrics are critical for both your continued success within the Agero network and our ability to meet client and consumer expectations. There is, after all, only one opportunity to make a good impression.

The metrics we have chosen have the biggest impact on the customer experience and allow us and you to understand how consistently you are delivering a transparent, predictable, high-quality service. You can and should review these metrics regularly to determine where you are successful and where you are falling short.



3. Navigating Agero’s Damage Process


No liability complaint is easy to manage, but you’ve asked us to make this process simpler and more transparent. We’re working on ways to incorporate more visibility in Swoop into the damage claims brought against you. As we build this, we want to make sure you understand the following:

  • We review these cases objectively. We do not automatically rule in the customer’s favor and do so only when the evidence compels us. Approximately 50% of the claims filed against our providers are decided in favor of the provider based on our investigations.

  • We have to abide by the statute of limitations imposed upon us by the filing customer’s state. This means that by law, customers can have a year or more to file a damage claim. We know this is frustrating for you, but we’re unable to control this timeline.

  • We provide you with tools that can help you avoid damage issues, including our 24/7 vehicle training site, Blueprint. Our requirement of taking at least four photos of each vehicle at the disablement location and, if towing, the drop-off location, as well as outlining pre-existing damages on your invoice protects both you and the customer. Complying with our request for photos and submitting a Vehicle Conditions Form can help you in providing evidence against a false or unsubstantiated claim.

  • If found to be responsible for the damage, we can work with you on a debit schedule that works best for your business. You can also use your insurance, if you choose to.

4. Getting Help From Agero When You Need It & How To Quickly Help Yourself

We don’t want it to be difficult for you to get support when you need it. It doesn’t help you and it doesn’t help us. We’ve created several different ways you can get support when you need it:

  • When you need instructions on how to use Swoop: Screen Shot 2024-02-08 at 1.23.11 PMThere are nearly 100 articles and videos in the Swoop Help Center you can access 24/7 - from how the invoice process works to what job statuses mean to how to access your Swoop business details.

  • When you need help on the job or with an open job invoice: The automation we have built into the Swoop chatbot, as well as the live agent team connected to it, can handle all of the issues you experience while on a job or before an invoice is submitted, including but not limited to customer coverage questions, tow-to destination changes or refusals, additional charge requests, equipment needs and issues such as GOAs or unsuccessful services.

  • When you have a technical, account or payment issue: The PAG team can help you resolve account and technical issues as well as review questions about payment discrepancies for invoices that have already been submitted. You can submit a ticket or chat PAG You can also call them, M-F, 10am-6pm EST at 1.866.219.8136.

  • When you need to connect with Dispatch while on an AM job: You can get support for AM jobs by chatting with an agent using the blue chat bubble in Swoop.

  • When you’re unsure how to handle a specific type of vehicle: Our Blueprint page houses more than 300 manuals, one-page overviews, and short videos on how to handle the newest and most complex vehicles on the road today - from Tesla to Rivian to Ford. Blueprint is accessible 24/7 and can be easily pulled up on a mobile device while you’re on the job.
blueprint gif

5. Understanding Our Compliance & Insurance Requirements

We need to protect you, our clients, and their customers. It is that simple. 

To do this, we require background checks for each of your employees (drivers, admins, billing, etc.) across all of your Vendor IDs. It is your responsibility to keep us informed and updated through AgeroSupport so that we can add employees to and remove them from our records as your business changes.


Regarding insurance, we are contractually obligated by our clients to keep our insurance requirements to a specific standard, but we are actively working on projects that will help ease the stress of finding affordable insurance for your business.


Meet the Author: Chris Richard - Vice President, Network Services

Chris Richard is Agero’s Vice President of Network Services, focused on developing new ways for Agero to deliver its services and improve relationships and practices. Acting as a steward for Agero’s service provider partners, Chris has the responsibility of representing providers’ needs and balancing them with those of Agero’s clients and customers. Chris’ career with Agero spans over two decades; he most recently led Agero’s contact center organization and prior to this, spent several years leading corporate initiatives and running client services for Agero’s automotive business.

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