Extending Our OEM Partnerships to Seamlessly Support Recalls

Supporting the full automotive lifecycle means supporting customers from their first test drive all the way to vehicle trade-in, with every big and small moment in between. A key piece of this is ensuring that your brand values, voice and support extend to every touchpoint anywhere your customers travel. After 50 years of partnership with leading OEMs, we know a thing or two about how to deliver white label support, coordinate provider networks and ensure communication throughout. This is especially critical when it comes to managing a recall.

A challenge for recall management is the diverse set of stakeholders who need to be informed and mobilized to ensure rapid outreach and response for critical safety issues. This includes customers, dealers, as well as many different departments within the OEM.  And when time and safety are on the line, it is challenging to onboard new tools, new partners and new providers. This is a moment to leverage partners with deep expertise in your brand, and your vehicles as well as established lines of communication with your dealers.

Recall Solutions in Action: A Case Study

We recently partnered with a long-standing roadside client to support a critical safety recall. By building off our brand and vehicle expertise, leveraging our direct channel to the dealers, capitalizing on the existing visibility and billing structure for tows and layering on recall experience, we were able to rapidly deploy and execute a stop drive recall campaign. As a result, all cases were dispositioned less than a week after campaign launch, with nearly 60% towed directly to the dealership. 

REducing Implementation Time with Expertise & Brand Experience 

In late 2021, just before the holiday season, our roadside client was faced with a safety recall. They contacted our team for help. Leveraging our familiarity with the client brand and existing vehicle coverage implementation, we were able to stand up a new recall campaign including tow and dealer communications within days. The campaign included omnichannel customer notification, dealer coordination, and vehicle tow. Through the combination of Recall Solutions and Swoop, we were able to directly connect customers and local dealers using the channels already in place.


Optimizing Customer Outreach with an omnichannel Approach

With our experience with the brand tone and voice, it was easy to train agents for this campaign. In addition, we employed our expertise in outreach. For this delicate issue, the brand preference was three outbound calls/voicemails. The team promptly executed and connected with about a third of the customers. To further increase contact rate, we then followed up with an email campaign. This channel boosted the response rate for the campaign by 130%.

blog-image-chart01-consumer-affairs-survey-sep2020Digital Dispatch Based On Brand Needs & Preferences

In addition, as a roadside client, this OEM was already configured in Swoop with the auto-assign and provider logic to match their brand preferences. Therefore, the jobs could be seamlessly added into the system, connected with the customer’s dealer and digitally dispatched to the brand preferred service providers. The client had full visibility to all customer interactions and all details of the tow.

Educating Providers with OEM Specific Training 

Through our partnership with this OEM, we have built and distributed vehicle training specific to their vehicles. This training is hosted on our Agero Blueprint site shared directly to providers with each dispatch. These materials help educate providers on the safest, most effective ways to service and support the vehicles. With this library already built, the providers were well educated to support our client and their customers for this recall.

Leveraging Existing Dealer Communication Dealers 

Through our roadside implementation, we have contacts and communication channels with all the dealers for this client. Therefore, it was easy to coordinate and then ensure full dealer visibility on the tows. When the tows were dispatched through Swoop, dealer notifications were generated, and service managers could track the job right into their bay. This ensured a seamless experience for the dealers and the customers.


Full Case Management from Start to Finish

However, for the cases that were a bit tricky, the team ensured full end to end case management. This included tracking down the current owner if the vehicle had changed hands, escalations to the client as necessary and additional call backs to ensure full support for every customer and their vehicle.

Building off our partnership

Recalls are challenging enough to manage without introducing new variables, vendors and processes to your team, dealers, and provider network. By building off current brand partnerships and expertise,  a recall campaign can be quickly and seamlessly supported. However, this is not just limited to recalls, this expertise and channel support can be used for a variety of campaigns to support your customers and your brand. We are proud to support leading OEMs and their customers through every twist and turn in the automotive lifecycle. 


Meet the Author: Jeff Bohn - Product Manager

Jeff Bohn is a key member of the Agero product organization. As a product manager, he oversees the design and development of connected vehicle and consumer affairs solutions for automotive including recall solutions. Prior to Agero, Jeff held product management roles for cutting edge IoT and SaaS solutions. Jeff’s engineering background and six-sigma training bring an analytical and results driven perspective to his efforts. Jeff holds an MBA and Masters in Information Systems from Boston University as well as a Masters in Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.


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