Our Recall Solutions platform, launched in February, 2021, builds on our decades of automotive experience to support customers through the entire recall process. With robust systems, algorithms and comprehensive data modelling, we set out to redefine the standard for agility, visibility and completion efficiency in the recall space. We recently completed a campaign on our new recall platform and are delighted to share some of our learnings.
In the event of a recall, timing is critical. For urgent recalls, it is necessary to deploy rapid response, while for others an ongoing campaign may be more appropriate to drive completions. Matching the campaign to the timing needs of the recall helps optimize results. In either case, there is a real opportunity to effectively contact vehicle owners to address two key concerns: ensure customer safety and help manage the brand impact of recall events.
For our campaign, the initial inquiry for recall support came in on a Friday afternoon. We used this opportunity to leverage the robust configuration capabilities of Recall Solutions to ensure that both the platform and the team were fully operational by Monday. The client was thrilled with the response time. The interface for set-up was quick and easy to configure and included client specific requirements like notifications, contact attempts and scheduling. Even better – this was all done without any support from engineering allowing us to be incredibly responsive to our client’s needs.
The primary goals of the campaign were to ensure prompt notification to the impacted vehicle owners, as well as facilitating and coordinating repair service with their preferred dealer. The real-time status of every VIN and every action was available and shared with the client regularly throughout the campaign. This allowed both our team and the client team to understand what actions were being taken and the impact of those actions against the campaign’s objectives. As a result, we and the client could partner to make decisions to match the overall campaign goals.

"This was a great validation of our platform. As we conducted the campaign, we were able to easily adapt to unexpected use cases without slowing the team down."
Jason Peters, Vice President, Consumer Affairs & Connected Vehicle
Results & Insights
The campaign was completed with multiple contact attempts to all owners in just a few weeks. The full case history for each vehicle enabled a seamless handoff between agents for follow up, and then dealerships to complete the repairs. The wealth and robustness of the data allowed the team to identify trends which can be leveraged for future campaigns. Specifically, we learned that 12% of the vehicles had already been repaired. This baseline can be used to help optimize future campaigns.
We also can optimize the mechanics and timing of the outreach based on the results. With a detailed data set, we can see that the highest percentage of dealer appointments were scheduled in the late afternoon. We will continue to build our data models and leverage these learnings as well.

In addition, through the combination of outreach and scheduling, we were able to boost the percentage of completions by over 20%. We believe this is just the beginning and, based on the development of our product and data insights, this can be further optimized to drive results.
Path Forward
We continue to enhance the capabilities of Recall Solutions to provide an omnichannel experience and expand configuration capabilities to update settings and contact logic. We recognize the hurdles that OEMs, dealers and fleets face when trying to execute recall campaigns and we are hard at work expanding and iterating our platform to further enhance the capabilities of our Recall Solutions.