It’s the thought that counts: Added delights drive satisfaction, even when they aren’t utilized

When it comes to driving customer experience during roadside events, additional options and outreach can have a substantial impact. In fact, even if help or support is declined, simply making the offer leaves a positive impression. At Agero, we enable “Hero Moments” for your brand with a variety of products designed with customer support in mind. Interestingly, our data shows that even if that additional support is declined, your customers appreciate the outreach — and a positive, memorable brand moment is made. After all, it’s the thought that counts!


Did you know that more than 3 out of 4 people would rather try and fix their car themselves? With more and more consumers turning to YouTube for self-service solutions, many drivers will try to troubleshoot a problem themselves before contacting roadside. This thinking is the inspiration behind Digital Fix by Agero: a do-it-yourself experience that provides tried and true tips to get drivers back on the road during common events like dead batteries. 

First things first, we start the dispatch process right away to get a service provider en route to the customer. While the customer waits for their provider, we offer advice for eligible events. If the DIY tip works, we cancel the dispatch, saving everyone time and expense. Interestingly enough, even when the tip does not resolve the issue, customers are still appreciative of the offer - in fact, just offering Digital Fix led to a three point average NPS boost compared to comparable events.



Nobody wants to be stranded on the side of the road, nor do they want to have their day disrupted by a roadside event. But as more service providers’ insurance policies prohibit them from offering rides to customers, this is a very real possibility for many customers needing a roadside tow. That’s why we’ve partnered with Lyft to offer rideshare vouchers to customers during a roadside event. It’s easy to understand why providing a free or discounted ride during a roadside event leads to a positive customer experience, but what’s less obvious is that even if the rideshare offer is declined, customers appreciate the thought.

Averaging a +4 NPS boost in 2022 from simply offering a ride voucher, Alternative Transportation is a great solution for going that extra mile with customers. With nearly 275K rides offered across all participating clients in 2023, that’s a lot of positive brand moments!


Being in a car accident is a scary and potentially dangerous experience. Unlike most other vehicular events, providing support after an accident focuses on ensuring safety — rather than salvaging a customer experience. When you demonstrate a focus on customer health and safety to your policyholders, they’re appreciative to have a company who cares about their customer’s well being and not just their bottom line. 

Crash Response is a telematics-based customer support offering that uses a driver’s smartphone to detect an accident and trigger immediate customer support. But as is the case with other telematics solutions on the market, this technology is susceptible to false positive alerts that can result in a wellness check to a customer even if they haven’t been in an accident. Surprisingly, we’ve found that even in false positive scenarios, customers appreciate that someone is looking out for them, with more than half of false positive wellness checks resulting in a full 10 out of 10 rating. Customers who were involved in an accident feel the love even more, with an NPS of 74 and 83% of those surveyed categorized as promoters.

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Convert disruption into delight

Dead batteries, flat tires, and car accidents are all frustrating experiences that are disruptive to your policyholder’s everyday life. They’re also your opportunity to show your customers the value that you deliver as their chosen auto insurer. By providing an extra level of care during stressful events, you’re demonstrating to your customers that they made the right choice of insurer. Reach out to learn more about how Agero can help enable more hero moments for your brand!


Meet the Author: Jon Myers -- Product Manager

As Product Manager for Agero, Jon Myers focuses on driving automation and operational improvements to ensure a positive experience for customers and program efficiency for clients. Prior to joining Agero, Jon was Product Manager developing platforms for media creators and before that led growth initiatives and software development for a communications solutions provider. His experience in Product Management stems from his naturally analytical mind, mathematics education, and passion for solving complex problems. Jon has a BS in Applied Mathematics from University of Massachusetts Amherst.


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