Faster intake means faster speed to dispatch, which is key to getting drivers back on their way, faster and easier than ever.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that things don’t always go as expected. Fortunately, unanticipated volume surges no longer have to mean customers anxiously suffering through extended hold times, waiting for the next agent to free up before starting their service request. Because even a modest hold time can make a frustrating situation that much worse, we offer a whole array of user-friendly digital options that enable customers to skip the line to request roadside service.
From mobile app integrations to our own Mobile Web option to Speech assist, digital channels improve our resilience to volume spikes caused by weather events, holiday traffic, social unrest, or whatever else this topsy-turvy world throws at us, providing customers with a smooth, consistent experience – and no wait times. These channels are backed by our live intake agents, who are standing by 24/7 to support customers in need.
There’s an App for That
Many insurers and car companies have a mobile app so that you can easily access a wide range of features including roadside. Requesting roadside through the app is easy. Typically, your policy and vehicle information are saved right in the app so that saves you the trouble of finding and re-entering that information. Also, the app can help you pinpoint your location using the GPS in your phone. Lastly, mobile apps make it easy for you to send your location information and for your roadside provider to send updates on your service including truck and service provider tracking.
Pro tip – check to see if your app is loaded on your phone now, all updates are done, and you can get in and out of the app ok. You may even want two apps – one for your insurance and one for your car warranty if it is a newer car.
Request Roadside Online with Our Web App
Many roadside programs also have a link to request assistance directly from their website using our Web App. To see if your program is available, enter the toll free number here. These online tools allow you to enter all your details and skip the phone queue. You will be guided through your request where you can enter all the details needed.
Mobile Web
Did you know that when you call an 800 number, some companies can text you an on demand app? It doesn’t require you to load anything onto your phone. You just click through the prompts of the text. It may seem strange the first time you use it, but just follow the easy directions and it will generally be easier and faster than speaking to a live operator. Just like a web form, you skip the phone queue and easily enter all the details of your request but rest assured if you need additional help, our agent is just a click away.

Speech Assist: A No-Wait Digital Option for Everyone
Finally, for customer's who are on a landline or more comfortable requesting service by voice, we have a no-wait digital option for them as well. Agero’s Speech Assist is the fastest way to request service over the phone, improving the speed to dispatch by over five minutes compared to calls that begin with a live agent. Using conversational artificial intelligence and machine learning, Speech Assist guides customers who call over the phone – from any phone, even a landline – through the intake process with a series of intuitive prompts and questions. Once all of the details needed to submit a service request are collected, Speech Assist will go ahead and create the job in our dispatch platform and begin searching for a provider. If additional details are needed to complete the request, Speech Assist will create a draft job that includes all of the info collected to that point and then transfer that case over to a live agent to complete the service request.
With all these digital options, your requests are entered and sent directly to the tow trucks and service providers so that help is on the way as soon as possible without ever needing to talk to an operator. Plus, we’ll keep you in loop every step of the way with provider details, text messages, and truck tracking.
We know that nobody plans for trouble with their car, but if you follow these tips for using apps and websites to start your request, you’ll skip the line and never have to wait on hold for an operator.
These are just some of the ways we have innovated at Agero to get you back on the road as quickly and hassle-free as possible.